Brain: dementia, concussions, autism

Far from empty promises, these testimonials are grounded in science

Ethan Spagnoli’s Story

Our son Ethan, who will be 6 in July, was diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) when he was 2 years old.  Now for those of you who are not familiar with autism, and have not been around a child with ASD, they struggle greatly with social interaction.  They have an extremely difficult time with mental focus, and in a lot of cases cannot express themselves through verbal communication. 

We were approached last Oct. (2010) with Immunocal, specifically for Ethan, and were told that it had great effects on many other children with ASD.  After reading the information on Immunocal we quickly decided that we wanted to start taking this product ourselves, but we knew we had to wait to put Ethan on Immunocal, so he could finish his current supplement schedule with his Naturopathic Dr.

After 4 months of taking Immunocal ourselves, during which we haven’t been sick once, we were finally able to start Ethan on the product.  Well let me tell you, it was ABSOLUTELY worth waiting for.  We were noticing results within days, and so were his therapists and teachers that didn’t know Ethan was even taking Immunocal.

After only 2 days of taking Immunocal Ethan went to put on his boots like normal, but instead of them ending up on his wrong feet or not being done up, he actually took the time to focus, rearrange his boots on the ground, put them on the right feet, and did them up.  To many people this may not seem like a big deal, but for Ethan this was huge! 

Almost instantly after Ethan started on Immunocal, his appetite went crazy.  This is a kid who has always struggled with eating, with so many aversions to textures and smells of food.  Ethan would normally not want to eat much of anything unless we made him.  Well now he can’t seem to get enough food, we have never in his life seen him eat like he is now after being on Immunocal.  At this rate he will definitely start putting some meat on his bones which is wonderful, as he has always been so thin.

Within a week of Ethan starting on Immunocal we took him skating for his third time.  The first two times Ethan really didn’t know what to do, and really couldn’t focus long enough to move a couple of feet.  Well not this time, this time he was able to focus long enough to make it from one end of the rink to the other end, and we actually got a 2 minute video clip of him doing it.  Of course with his little red skate support thing J.  Coincidence?  I think not!!!

Lastly, probably the most significant change in Ethan, is his social interaction!  Almost 2 weeks after starting on Immunocal, Ethan out of the blue started a conversation about what he was eating for lunch with another student.  His EA almost fell of her chair, knowing that this was NOT typical of Ethan at all.  Since that day Ethan has been saying things that we have never heard him say, and his language seems to expand more and more every day.  We find ourselves staring at each other in awe on a regular basis now, because of what is coming out of Ethan’s mouth.

After watching Ethan struggle with his issues for so many years, you can’t imagine how this makes us feel, and how much hope we have now for Ethan.  We feel so fortunate that Richard took the time to share Immunocal, and Immunotec with us that day almost 5 months ago now.  With all of the incredible results we have witnessed in only a short time, we are so excited for Ethan’s future, and know Immunocal will be a part of our lives forever!  

Respectfully, Anthony and Karen Spagnoli 

Ethan Stubbs’s Story

My name is Natalie Stubbs and I reside outside of Atlanta, Georgia in the USA. My son, Ethan, recently turned 7 and has been taking Immunocal since he was 6 to 9 months old. At age 4, Ethan was diagnosed with autism. His most recent set of school evaluations show some unexpected and very exciting results. The school psychologist remarked, “We know Ethan had autism, and now it looks like he does not” and could not account for that result. He shows a range of neurologic abilities never really anticipated for his autism. I am aware that

Immunotec has ongoing trials involving autism going on in Florida. I wondered if you or any of the doctors would be interested in reviewing Ethan’s case as his experience with your product predates his personal diagnosis of autism and may predate the onset of your trials. Please feel free to contact me if you believe Ethan’s experience would be beneficial to your efforts to help others like him with your wonderful product. Immunocal has truly given Ethan a more typical life than anticipated and appears to have helped him break the limits of his autism.                                                                               Respectfully, Natalie G. Stubbs 

Tracy Patterson’s Story

I’m a mother of an autistic son. He was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2-1/2. I’ve tried medicating him and it made him have mood swings. Tracy is now 14 years old and attends a special needs school in New York. When I heard of Immunocal, I was a little unsure, because nothing I tried ever worked. However, bringing Immunocal into my son’s life was one of the best things I did. Tracy has been on Immunocal for three months.

Before Immunocal my son use to have outbursts in school. For instance, these would involve throwing, hitting, and sometimes running out of the classroom. I would worry about what kind of a day my son would have.

Since Immunocal, he started back to school on September 3 and he has had only one outburst. And the teacher said that he recovered within minutes. There have been no other outbursts. Actually, the Parent/Teacher communication note says that Tracy is doing a wonderful job. Today he has had another excellent day. Now, when I come home, I’m not worried, but rather excited to see the positive notes that my son brings home.

Here are some examples of how my son has progressed. When I use to ask him, “What did you do in school today?” he would just repeat the question I asked him. Since Immunocal, I recently asked him the same question. He responded: “I write with pencils.” His coloring has also improved. Before Immunocal he use to color outside the lines and everywhere. Since Immunocal he colors much better, staying in the lines and using different colors rather than just sticking to one color.

He is able to tell me when he is not feeling good. Actually, he was out of school Monday. That meant 3 days out of school, which usually meant the next school day would not be a good day. But since taking Immunocal, when he returned to school, the Parent/Teacher communication note said Tracy had an excellent day. We are so proud of him.

You can imagine how my heart rejoices. Immunocal is a blessing for my family and I want to thank everyone who had a part in Immunocal. I’m very grateful.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Thank you, C. Patterson

P.S. Tracy no longer needs a one-to-one aid since being on Immunocal.


Barbara Fairchild

Country & Gospel recording artist talks about her mother and husband. 

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