BreakThru Your Health

Our monthly duplication strategy where you register 3 new business consultants or customers every month by showing 3 people weekly and each of those consultants does the same.


By showing the business first, some of your contacts may only be impressed with the product. Many people will be customers, this is normal. Enjoy and be of service to them. There is profit in both customers and consultants.

This system allows for exponential growth while keeping the process simple and manageable for both you and your recruits.

Month-by-Month Duplication Strategy

Month 1: Register 3 Business Consultants

  • Goal: Personally register 3 new business consultants.
  • Action Plan:
    • Show the business opportunity to 3 people per week to register your 3 new business consultants or customers. Presentations can be done in person or online. Those who do not want to build the business may choose to use the product only.
    • Training & Onboarding: Once you register them, provide simple training. Teach them the 3×3 system and get them started on showing the business opportunity.
    • Support: Have a one-on-one meeting with each new consultant to help them set their personal goals and build a list of potential contacts.
    • Track Progress: Make sure each new consultant starts presenting to at least 10-12 people in their first month. There is a tracker.

Month 2: Help Your 3 New Consultants Each Register 3 New Business Consultants or Customers.

  • Goal: Your 3 new consultants will each register 3 new business consultants and/or customers, duplicating what you did in Month 1.
  • Action Plan:
    • Ongoing Support: Keep in close contact with your 3 recruits. Help them with their presentations, answer questions, and guide them through any objections they encounter.
    • Follow Up: Ensure they’re staying on track, presenting to enough people (at least 10-12), and using the tools and scripts you’ve provided.
    • Motivate and Inspire: Celebrate small wins like their first recruit or customer. Recognition keeps them engaged.
  • Your Role: You continue to register 3 new business consultants or customers yourself in Month 2 as well.

By the end of Month 2, you now have 3 direct recruits and 9 new recruits from your 3 original consultants and a few customers.

 As a leader you can now place your new consultants in depth under any business consultant who is growing.

Month 3: Duplication Continues

  • Goal: Help the 9 new consultants register their 3 business consultants each, while you and your original 3 recruits continue recruiting as well.
  • Action Plan:
    • Duplicate the Process: Continue providing support and training to your downline. Make sure that each level of recruits understands the simple 3×3 duplication process: Show the business to 10-12 people and aim to register 3 new business consultants or customers.
    • Leadership Development: Begin shifting some of your focus to leadership development. Help your initial recruits manage their own teams, as this frees up your time for continued recruiting.
    • Keep Recruiting: You, along with the rest of your team, should continue to aim for 3 new recruits each month.

By the end of Month 3, you’ll have 3 levels of duplication:

  • Month 1: You recruited 3.
  • Month 2: Those 3 recruited 9 more.
  • Month 3: Those 9 recruited 27 more.

In total, by the end of Month 3, you’ll have 39 business consultants in your organization (3 + 9 + 27) including customers.

Month 4 Onward: Exponential Growth

  • Goal: Keep the duplication process going, helping each new recruit follow the same pattern—recruit 3 business consultants or customers each month.
  • Action Plan:
    • Continue Recruiting: Always aim to register 3 new business consultants or customers each month, even as your organization grows.
    • Replicate Training & Support: Ensure each new level of recruits receive the same support, training, and leadership development.
    • Leadership Development: As your organization grows, help your original new consultants develop their leadership skills to manage their own downlines effectively.

By Month 4, your team will grow exponentially:

  • Your original 3 new consultants from Month 1 will have developed their teams, and the new consultants from subsequent months will each be building their own downlines.

Here’s a potential growth example by Month 4:

  • You recruit 3 new business consultants each month.
  • Your Month 1 recruits each recruit 3 in Month 2, Month 3, and Month 4.
  • This pattern continues at every level, leading to significant duplication.

By Month 4, you could potentially have:

  • 3 in Month 1
  • 9 in Month 2
  • 27 in Month 3
  • 81 in Month 4

Total: 120 business consultants and several customers in your organization.

Key Elements for Success:

  1. Consistency
  • Commit to recruiting 3 new business consultants every month. Consistency is the key to creating and maintaining momentum.
  1. Duplication
  • The strategy only works if each new business consultant follows the system. Make sure the process of recruiting, training, and onboarding is simple and duplicatable. Everyone must understand how to recruit their own 3 people each month.
  1. Support and Leadership
  • Offer support to your recruits, but also empower them to lead and build their own teams. As your organization grows, your recruits will need to manage their downlines effectively.
  1. Tools and Resources – check website Resources
  • Provide everyone in your downline with duplicatable tools like scripts, presentation slides, or online business overviews. Keep things simple and consistent.

Tips for Implementing the Strategy:

  1. Daily Action: Aim for daily activities like presentations or follow-ups. A few small steps each day will lead to larger results over time.
  2. Tracking Progress: Track your recruits’ progress, and make sure they’re showing the business to at least 10-12 people each month.
  3. Recognition: Acknowledge the efforts and successes of your team regularly. Recognition can be a powerful motivator.
  4. Leverage Tools: Use online presentations, videos, and product information sheets to streamline the process for everyone in your downline.

Summary of the Monthly Duplication Strategy:

  1. Month 1: Register 3 business consultants and train them to do the same.
  2. Month 2: Help your 3 business consultants each recruit 3 new business consultants while you continue recruiting 3 yourself.
  3. Month 3 and Beyond: Continue duplicating this system. As your team grows, provide leadership support and ensure everyone stays consistent in recruiting 3 new business builders each month.

By following this strategy, you can experience consistent and exponential growth while maintaining a manageable workload and empowering your team to succeed.

For the business resources go to:

and look in the Business Centre


Engage in Personal Development    Attitude, not aptitude, determines your altitude.

Zig Ziglar.


A leader is someone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in themselves and others. They have the courage to develop that potential. Register for Darren Daily at  https// It’s an excellent, inspiring, and informative 2-5 minute video that is delivered free to your inbox daily. 

In 12 months, look forward to the change in others and yourself and be proud of what you see!

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