
Throat Cancer Testimonial

This is what Immunocal has done for me:
In July I was diagnosed with throat/neck cancer, stage D, and given only a 20%
chance of survival over 6 months. I had an operation on 1 SEP  and 33 days of
radiation during the months of Nov. and Dec. 
I started taking Immunocal in Oct. I had my first follow up with the doctor in
March , at which time the doctor stated that where the operation had taken place
there was no cancer. However on the other side of my throat I had developed a new lump
that was 3.0 cm in size. I continued to take Immunocal and had my next visit in June
. The doctor stated that I was cancer free and the lump on the other side had shrunk
in size to 2.5 cm, and that we would just watch it for a while. On my next visit (Oct.
 I was told by the doctor that I was cancer free and that the lump on the other side
was gone.
It is now June . I take Immunocal (2 packets a day) and I am still cancer free. I am
thoroughly convinced that I am cancer free this day due to the regular and continued use
of Immunocal. Immunocal also helps me to maintain a good and steady blood glucose
reading. I average 70 to 130 on a steady basis, and that is excellent for a 100% insulin
dependent diabetic. I also wear an insulin pump.
May you take Immunocal and have the success with Immunotec’s products that I have

David Vaught–

Throat Cancer Testimonial

This is what Immunocal has done for me:
In July I was diagnosed with throat/neck cancer, stage D, and given only a 20%
chance of survival over 6 months. I had an operation on 1 SEP  and 33 days of
radiation during the months of Nov. and Dec. 
I started taking Immunocal in Oct. I had my first follow up with the doctor in
March , at which time the doctor stated that where the operation had taken place
there was no cancer. However on the other side of my throat I had developed a new lump
that was 3.0 cm in size. I continued to take Immunocal and had my next visit in June
. The doctor stated that I was cancer free and the lump on the other side had shrunk
in size to 2.5 cm, and that we would just watch it for a while. On my next visit (Oct.
 I was told by the doctor that I was cancer free and that the lump on the other side
was gone.
It is now June . I take Immunocal (2 packets a day) and I am still cancer free. I am
thoroughly convinced that I am cancer free this day due to the regular and continued use
of Immunocal. Immunocal also helps me to maintain a good and steady blood glucose
reading. I average 70 to 130 on a steady basis, and that is excellent for a 100% insulin
dependent diabetic. I also wear an insulin pump.
May you take Immunocal and have the success with Immunotec’s products that I have

David Vaught–


John, about a month ago, you had sent us dosage info for a 12 year
old boy with Astrocytoma. He had a tumor removed previously, but it
was growing back. His dad started him on 4 packs a day as soon as
we got the info from you. Today we got exciting news! He was
operated on yesterday at Stanford University hospital, and what had
been a grade 3 hard tumor, had changed to a low grade1 mush and
the surgeon was able to suck it out to remove it. It had also
decreased in potency. Three hours after the surgery, the boy was
sitting up talking & laughing with his dad. The only thing they had
done differently was to use Immunocal, which they will continue to use.
The family is ecstatic and so are we. His dad is going to write a
testimonial. This is what it is all about. Thank you for your help.
Sandi & Carl Schenholm


We are thrilled to announce that Immunotec is being featured
on *FOX, NBC, CBS, and ABC!* Our recent article,
*’Immunotec Sets the Gold Standard for Immune Health as
the #1 Leader in Glutathione Research’* , has been published
on the affiliate sites of these prestigious networks. And it’s
only the beginning…

Breast Cancer

December 3rd I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Luckily, I had an operation on
December 24th. January 6th I was given the pathologist’s report and I would need to have
chemotherapy and radiotherapy. My first chemo was on January 24 and I was to do 12
sessions. The doctor told me that I could have different reactions to the chemo like
vomiting, nausea, hair loss, sores in my mouth, etc. To counteract I was to do 24 sessions
of radiotherapy simultaneously.

If there were any complications I would have antibiotics prescribed. After checking me out
and prescribing the antibiotics, Dr. Dowell introduced me to Immunocal. He explained that
it would help my immune system and being a pro-anything natural, I became interested in
this food supplement. Two days after my 10th chemo session I began taking Immunocal.
Incredibly, I had already noticed a change in my system … I was especially interested in
Immunocal for its detoxification process since it would help my body eliminate the drugs. I
had more energy than I have had in a long time and my body recovered from chemo
much quicker without any side effects! This is definitely due to Immunocal.
I continue to take Immunocal faithfully and continue to build up my strength and hope to be
back to normal in a few months. Immunocal has given me a better quality of life. 

Terminal Lymphoma

I am an educator who was born on the banks of the English Channel; I currently reside in Western
Quebec, Canada. After 15 years of living in India, studying Yoga philosophy and meditation, I returned
to Canada  to discover that I had an acute case of advanced glaucoma, and needed two eye
surgeries. Breast cancer followed. My overwhelming conclusion is that, for whatever reason, my
immune system had decreased its functioning to the point where it was no longer able to deal with the
onslaughts of toxicity and aging. My introduction to Immunocal came at a time when I had
just finished four months of chemotherapy treatment for the cancer. Surgery and radiation therapies
were still to be experienced. I was amazed at the incredible sense of well-being that came along with
the taking of the product, and was further convinced of its efficacy when I felt little fatigue during the
days of radiation. The surgery and radiation therapies had been for the Stage 3 tumor in my right
breast. Although I had been diagnosed with ‘ductal carcinoma in situ’ in the left breast, I decided to not
undergo the traditional treatment for this (mastectomy), but rather wait. Why? Because cancer is a
systemic disease, I wanted to firstly treat my system. This was done mainly through diet, along
with supplementation of two to four pouches daily of Immunocal. I also used Immunotec’s
Skin Perfecting Cream every day on the suspect area. One full year after taking
Immunocal on a daily basis, I had another biopsy on that left side. The diagnosis was: “No malignancy
identified, just soft, pink, adipose tissue.” Yes! At the same time, my eye-doctor calls my success with
keeping glaucoma at bay, a “text-book case.” My visual-field test results have improved, and my eye
pressure remains normal.

Throughout my dance with cancer, I researched, investigated and tried many complementary
therapies whilst embracing all the traditional approaches. Immunocal bridges the gap between the
two avenues of healing. Immunocal is a totally natural product, the only side
effects being improved health and a greater sense of wellness. It has become my daily health
insurance. I am impressed with the high quality of the Immunotec products and have no hesitation in
recommending them all.

Sincerely, Susan Randall
Terminal Lymphoma

“How happy I was to have a second chance at life!”

For many months, l had felt unnaturally fatigued and kept getting colds and infections. Then my doctor diagnosed me with Chronic Lymphocyte Leukemia (CLL). I was told there is no cure. My doctor tried to lift my spirits by saying that someone would probably come-up with a cure within the next ten years. But since it is a progressive leukemia, I knew I needed to keep the number of white blood cells down if I wanted to last that long. Unfortunately, my white blood cell count kept increasing with each blood test every month, letting us know the cancer was growing. Lumps formed on my neck, forcing me to wear turtleneck sweaters and scarves to hide them even during the summer, because I didn’t want to worry my children. I also tried my best to conceal the skin disorder developing on my right arm. I hated living on antibiotics, but what choice did I have? Every time I got an infection, my white blood cell count would take a jump.  I was very ill and had about given up. I made my funeral arrangements and put my affairs in order. I prayed to God for a miracle. The next day, a good friend of mine from Toronto sent me some glutathione (GSH) enhancer, firmly insisting that I take some every day. Within a week, I experienced a complete turnaround in my condition! How happy I was to have a second chance at life! In six weeks, my white blood count had gone down and the lumps on my neck were shrinking. After six months, I had no lumps, the skin disorder on my arm cleared up, my hair began to shine, and my fingernails lost their ridges. What can I say? I was absolutely delighted! I still have leukemia but I don’t worry so much, as long as I feel and look good. I am enjoying a high quality of life and that’s all that counts. My new saying is “If I’m going out, I’m going out feeling good!” As long as I keep my glutathione levels up, I feel great! How gratifying to have my life back! Fausta Magee 

Cancer Testimonial
Ellen asked if I would tell you my story. My name is Freda and I have
Pancreatic Cancer

The later part of October, 2000, I started feeling unwell and had begun
to turn yellow. On Nov. 6, 2000, concerned that I might have a contagious
form of jaundice, I went to see my doctor. I was given tests on Nov. 6th
& 7th , and it was determined that the major drainage duck to my
intestines was blocked by a gall stone. On Nov. 8th at a larger hospital,
a gall stone operation was scheduled . They operated but could not find
any stones and so looked further. They discovered a small tumor on my
pancreas that was pressing against the duct and closing the drainage off.
They put in a stint to keep the duct open. (The doctors figured I would
have been dead within two days had I not begun to drain away the toxins.)

I was then scheduled on Nov. 22nd for a “Whipple” to remove a 3rd of my
stomach, = of my pancreas, the gall bladder, part of my intestines, and
all the ducts in that area. Then they would reconstruct things and put me
back together. A very major operation. A week later the lab report
returned saying that the tumor was cancerous and had started to spread.
They felt I had approximately one year to live and suggested chemotherapy
and radiation although they didn’t believe it would do any good as they
believe there is no cure for pancreatic cancer. I chose not to follow
their suggestion, but to enjoy what life I had left feeling the best I

The doctors were amazed that I had come through the operation so well. My
pain level was about a 1= on a scale of 1-10 (low to high) and that
usually only when I coughed. I was healing quickly, after two days of
almost total non activity, I began to move and walk around more than
expected. I convinced the doctors to take all pain medicine away as it
made me sick. Didn’t required anything except a Tylenol 4 days later for
a bad backache. I was doing so well, they let me go home after a two week
stay. The average is closer to 5 weeks. (I believe the reason I came
through the operation and did so well is because I had started taking 3
packets of Immunocal two weeks before surgery.)

In the hospital, I couldn’t keep any food down so got all my nourishment
from tube feeding and continued tube feeding at home for two days, and
then quit. My neighbor had made me some chicken broth when I got home and
I started taking Immunocal again and kept both down and have no trouble
since then.

At present I am feeling fine, eating whatever I want, energy levels
continue to improve, and my mental abilities are returning. After being
on Immunocal for over 8 months,. I believe that my body now has enough
reserves to start working on less vital problems as I have noticed other
problems being corrected.

I believe this has been accomplished because of all the prayers for me,
and taking Immunocal. I thank God for each day and night He gives me and
for my well-being. I leave it up to Him to determine when it is my time
to return home to Him and enjoy what time He allows..

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